From anythings ever hide from you, our visitors, so in this article, I will explain exactly what certain range and important to improve or increase the Alexa ranking Alexa secret tips. For some recruits who entered the world of blogs, it is very difficult to understand the concept of Alexa ranking. You're one of them, then this post will certainly help to increase the Alexa Rank of your blog / site. We'll see.
What is the Alexa ranking?
Alexa is an Internet information company by Amazon, which maintains data classification of all sites and blogs on traffic and many other factors that are discussed in this article. Alexa usually updated daily and Alexa main point is less the better range.
Some of us (webmaster and blogger) think that blogs Alexa class / websites based on traffic we receive in our blog, but this truth is not enough. Alexa ranking depends not only traffic but also depends on Alexa Toolbar, and many other factors, which is the main part of the problem is shown below.
How to improve Alexa rapidly in 2016: -
No.1 complaint / Alexa see:
The recovery of your site Alexa gives you full control over your site and operates as a verification process as Google Analytics, Google Webmaster Tools, etc .. This will help others to know who the owner of that site. Therefore, it is important to claim your website and also contributes to a better ranking in Alexa. Go here to claim your site in
# 2 Add Alexa Widget on your blog:
Add panel Alexa ranking for your blog, that Alexa has just blown it depends on your system. Also, if you are a blogger, then you can not do all your blog readers to install the Alexa toolbar in your browser, but you can add a widget on your Alexa ranking for any loss blog.
Install Alexa Toolbar No. 3 / Extension:
Alexa traffic ranking has installed a toolbar. Therefore, it is good to install the Alexa toolbar on your browser and also encourage users to install / use the Alexa toolbar for your browser. Then you can download the Alexa toolbar for your browser.
# 4 Comment Alexa on your blog:
Alexa loves back for them and good reviews. Therefore, to write a good review of the classification of Alexa on your blog and give a backlink to
# 5 Post the good quality content:
There is nothing new if we say that "it is good content," as it is mandatory for all bloggers to write quality content. If the quality of your blog content is written, then another link automatically and then the reverse will increase. Therefore increasing backlinks, increasing your Alexa traffic increases.
# 6 Bloggers traffic and Techy guys:
This is the most important factor and it is considered that the effects on the Alexa Rank are because you get visitors who are a blogger and the individual then your Alexa grows faster every blogger and boys Techy Alexa Toolbar in their browsers.
Commenting No. 7 and Backlinking:
Comment on other blogs that are similar to your blog out there and have a good circulation. This will create links to your blog. Backlinks increase your Alexa ranking will increase quickly.
No. 8 Share the media in the blog:
Several social networking sites are available. If you will not share your blog on social networking site then how people learn about their blog and content posted on your blog. So share the URL of your blog on all social media platforms (Facebook, Google, Twitter, etc), this will not only increase your blog traffic but also increase your Alexa.
No. 9 update your blog regularly:
This is the most important factor contributing to increasing the Alexa ranking. If you are not regularly you update your Alexa ranking will fall and it becomes difficult to bring back that Alexa ranking. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to update your blog regularly is recommended.
No. 10 Send your blogs to directories:
Many blog directories available on the Internet that stores Categories blogs wise. Send your blog (or blog) directories are popular inbound links. Increase traffic and create links to your blog. Therefore, the backlinks of good quality play an important role in increasing public relations and thus improve Alexa.
No. 11 Fix broken links:
This is the last and most important point to consider not only whether the Alexa ranking, but if AdSense and another sort field. If your site / blog has a lot of broken links then surely affect your Alexa ranking, your ranking will drop. Evan AdSense will not approve the blog with a lot of broken links. Therefore, you can use a link checker to check / find broken links quickly and safely your blog does not contain broken links.
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