Make Money Online In Home With Zero Investment: Ten Tip to Optimize Your Website to Search Engine

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Ten Tip to Optimize Your Website to Search Engine

To listed your site in the search engines can sometimes be a daunting task, here are some best  top ten tips to get you started.

1. Page Title
Forget with "Welcome to my site," as the title of your Post, If you really won your best keywords target media and in the list of your keywords this product to a lack | separated (Hold Shift + backslash key) symbol (eg digital cameras | Video cameras) is to increase the strength of your chosen keywords, in this case, cameras and digital video.

2. Filename page
Even you call your filenames pages aboutus.php Products.htm or why not add a little weight to your website and support SE, use a number of pages/post with generic name, your keywords again distinguish your filename (eg. Paper_back_novels htm) for a book sale site with this link to the list of Paper Back Novels.

3. ALT tags
Keywords again play a major role in the design of your website and another area, those words are in your image "alt" tags.

4. Head tags
Going back to your page title, it is not necessary to, if you're selling to make the text of the "Welcome to my site", especially the best tools. Use and tags to showcase your products and services in order of importance, the SE.

5. Text Bold
Something to say?, Say bold that says the SE that this text is important and urgent to related content and keywords and your should be respected.

6. Keywords
Some say they are no longer so important to the achievement of results in the SERPs (Search Engine Result Pages __gVirt_NP_NN_NNPS <__ result) add, but their use properly your overall effectiveness sites. Focus on 3-4 keyword phrases (such as "Design custom website" or "website design" for website developers), and make sure they are in the first and last digits of your use of website content.

7. Google Toolbar
Not just a search tool that displays Google Toolbar Page Rank sites to find each Google it popularity and web presence.

8. Alexa Toolbar
Download the Alexa Toolbar from Amazon and connect its affiliate program, the toolbar is an indispensable tool in measuring the popularity and hit the results, how your site ranks in the www. ,

9. RSS
Want to increase traffic? also consider an RSS feed on your website with important news about your company and your chosen profession connect it to your items.

10. Article Writing
Article writing is another way to cross promoting your website with useful information for others and with links to your website.

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