Ask the seller or owner of a business you would like more in the world, and probably you say "more customers." What often happens after a customer wish list of companies? More traffic to your site. There are many ways to increase traffic to your website and in today's post, we'll examine some of them.
Increase traffic to your web site lonely road
1. Advertising
This is so obvious, we will see first. Paid search advertising in the media and advertising graphics are great ways to attract visitors, build your brand and get your site in front of people. Adjusting their strategies to meet its objectives Paid - not what you want more traffic, or you are looking to increase conversions, too? Each pay channel has its advantages and disadvantages, so think about your goals before you reach your credit card.
If you expect more traffic to your site will also result in more sales, you should aim keywords with high commercial intent as part of their paid search strategies. Yes, the competition for these search terms can be fierce (and expensive), but the benefits can be useful.
level of your AdWords account
2. Get Social
It is not enough to produce quality content and hope that people find - you must be proactive. One of the best ways to increase traffic to your website is the use of social media channels to promote your site. Twitter is ideal for short, shocking (and tempting) links while promoting Google+ can help your site appear in personalized search results and seems particularly effective in B2B niches. If you are a B2C company's products, you can find excellent traction with social sites like Instagram Pinterest Image and heavy.
Increase traffic to your website social media icons
Image via Pascale Communications
3. Mix It Up
There is no magic formula for successful content marketing, despite what some would have you believe. For this reason, varying the length and content of the format is as attractive as possible to different readers. Gather the blog based on shorter news content length messages as well as videos, computer graphics and database pieces for maximum impact.
4. Write Irresistible article
Titles are one of the most important parts of your site. Without a compelling blog title even more complete ticket will not read. Master the art of writing the title. For example, BuzzFeed and upworthy writers often write to twenty different titles before settling on the one that will generate more traffic, so think carefully about the owner before arriving to "publish".
5. Pay attention to the one-page SEO
Think SEO is dead? Think again. Optimizing your content for search engines is still a valuable and useful practice. Are you making the most of the text of the alt image? Will you create internal links to new content? What about meta descriptions? SEO on page optimization does not have to take ages, and could help increase your organic traffic.
6. Meta keywords long tail
Got bases covered their keywords with high commercial intent? Then it's time to target long tail keywords, too. Long tail keywords are most searched on the web, which means that if you're not pointing through paid search or SEO efforts, you are missing.
Increase traffic to your website reptile with a long tail
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7. Start Guest Blogging
Before you say - no, a guest blogging is not dead, despite what you've heard. Ensure client on a trusted site can increase blog traffic to your website and help build your brand in the business. He warned, though - the rules of guest blogging has changed radically in the last eighteen months, and spam tactics could lead to severe penalties. Proceed with caution.
8. Invite others to blog on your website customers
Guest blogging is a two way street. Besides publishing the content of other blogs, invite people in your niche blog on your own site. They are likely to share and a link to his guest article, which could lead to new readers to your site. Just make sure high quality you send an email, the original content related spam as a guest of blogs Google is cracking down on the low quality up.
9. Go after referral traffic
Instead of trying to convince other web sites to link to you (a process tedious and time consuming) to create content that begs to be bound.
When Larry wrote about the proverbial kick in the teeth that eBay took the Google Panda update, we managed to get a link from the choice of editor of Ars Technica with links to The New York Times and National Geographic. Not bad - and neither was the peak traffic resulting reference. What types of links sent a lot of referral traffic, and how to get to this position.
Increase reference data binding site traffic analysis
10. publish content to LinkedIn
LinkedIn has become much more than a way to find another job. The social network of the world's largest professional is now worth publishing platform itself, which means that you need to publish content regularly LinkedIn. If you do, you can increase traffic to your website and increase their profile within your industry - especially if you have a moderate to large following.
Increase traffic to your website profile Larry Kim LinkedIn
11. Implement plans microdata
The application schema (or other micro format) does not necessarily increase traffic to your site on their own, but it will be easier for robots of search engines to find and index your pages. Another advantage of using the system for SEO is that it can lead to the best sites for rich snippets, you can improve click-through rates.
12. Internal link
The strength of your link profile does not appear solely determined by the number of new binding sites for you - which also can be affected by your internal linking structure. When creating and publishing content, be sure to keep an eye on possible internal links. This not only helps with SEO but also results in a better user experience, more useful - the cornerstone of increasing traffic to your site.
13. Thought Leader Interview
Think interviews are only for major leaguers? You'd be surprised how many people will be willing to talk to you if you ask. Send e-mail requesting an interview with opinion leaders in their industry, and publish the interview on his blog. Not only name recognition to increase your credibility and increase traffic to your website, the defendant probably also share content, expand its scope.
Increase your concept website traffic management
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14. Do not forget to email marketing
So many companies focus on attracting new customers through content marketing to forget the more traditional methods. Email marketing can be a powerful tool, and even a moderate success email blast can cause a significant increase in traffic. Just be careful not to bombard people with emails relentlessly on every single update to your business. Also, do not discount the power of word-of-mouth marketing, especially those who already have their products or services. A reminder email on the use of a new product or service can help you increase your traffic, too.
15. Make sure the site is Responsive
The days when the Internet browsing is done exclusively in desktop computers are gone. Today, more people than ever are using mobile devices to access the Internet, and if visitors are forced to pinch and navigate their way around your site, you're essentially telling them to go elsewhere. Make sure your site is accessible and convenient visible through a range of devices including the smallest smartphones.
16. Make sure the site is fast
Who found waiting thirty seconds to a Web page to load? Me neither. If your site is always loaded, bounce rate is through the roof. Make sure your pages are optimized technically possible, including the size of image files, the page structure and functionality of third-party plugins. The faster your site loads, the better.
Increase traffic to your website loading icon tray 8 bits
17. To promote a sense of community
People want to express their views and comment on issues that are passionate, whether building a community on your site is a great way to start a conversation and increase traffic to your site. Implement a robust commenting system through third-party solutions such as Facebook or Disqus comments, or creating a dedicated forum where visitors can ask questions. Do not forget to control their community to ensure that minimum standards of decorum are met, however.
18. be heard commenting Sections
Probably visit at least some sites that are relevant to your business on a regular basis, so why not join the conversation? Commenting do not necessarily provide an immediate boost to the movement responded immediately, but to make a name for itself by providing insightful, thought comments on blogs and industry sites is a great way to get your name out there - then it can lead to attract more traffic to your own website. Remember that, as with the publication of the customers, quality and relevance are key - you should be involved with other people in your place, do not drop spam links on websites are not related.
Increase traffic to your site comments section
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19. Examine your data from Google Analytics
Google Analytics is a valuable source of data on almost every conceivable aspect of your site, the most popular pages on the demographics of visitors. Keep an eye on your Google Analytics data, and use this information to inform their strategies and content promotion. Pay attention to the messages and pages are very popular. Review data for visitors to see how, where and when your site traffic is coming from.
20. Actively participate in social networks
It is not simply enough to share content through social channels - you need to actively participate in the community, too. Do you have a Twitter account? So join group discussions with relevant hashtags. Does your audience to comment on Facebook posts? Answer the questions and participate with their readers. Nothing turns people off faster than using social networks as a broadcast channel - use social networks as planned and made to interact with their fans.
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21. The presentation of content aggregation sites
First, a warning - no spam Reddit and similar sites hoping "the pot" of referral traffic, and that will not happen. Community members are extraordinarily intelligent Spam disguised Reddit legitimate links, but sometimes it does not hurt to submit links to public these really useful. Choose a relevant subreddit, send your content and then watch the traffic pour.
Increase traffic to your new site aggregator website
22. Integrate video into your content strategy
Test content is fine, but the video can be a valuable both to attract new visitors and make your site more attractive asset. The data show that the retention of information is significantly higher for visual material that is in the text, meaning that the video is a great way to attract - and keep - the attention of your audience and increase traffic to your site simultaneously.
23 research competition.
If you have not used the software as BuzzSumo to check what your competitors are doing, they are at a great disadvantage. These specific content sites social performance services are added to provide a glance what are the themes resonate with readers and, above all, shop around on social networks. Find out what people read (and speaking), and emulate this kind of content to drive traffic to your site.
Increase your website traffic results buzzsumo
24. Host Webinars
People love to learn and seminars are a great way to communicate their wisdom forward to his audience. Combined with an effective social marketing campaign, webinars are a great way to increase traffic to your site. Send e-mail one or two weeks in advance and a "last chance to record" reminder the day before the seminar. Make sure the presentation file for later viewing, and promote Webinars largely through the media. If you're wondering how to make a web seminar, click the link for some tips.
25. Attend Conferences
Whatever sector you're in, it is likely that at least one or two large conventions and conferences that are relevant to your business. Attending these events is a good idea - talk to them is even better. Even a decent agreement means speech is a great way to establish yourself as a leader in your industry and get significant exposure for your site.
Well, that almost does it for today's post. If you have your own tips to increase traffic to your website, I love to hear them.
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