Make Money Online In Home With Zero Investment: June 2016

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Best Free Backlink building Tactic: Want to make $250 to $750 or more per day

There are a number of link building tasks that can and should be done to run a successful SEO campaign. Here are some of the tasks we offer

Directory Submissions:
We submit your site to websites that are built for the express purpose of promoting businesses. Not only do people frequent these sites when they are looking for a certain business, search engines index these sites to determine which sites are actively being promoted. Directories are like registering with the Chamber of Commerce. You may not get any immediate and direct business from the Chamber but you register with them just the same to establish credibility. Registering with live directories will establish credibility within the Internet world.


Social Bookmarks:
Social bookmarking is one of the most effective ways for search engines to determine which websites are really liked by people. The easiest way to cast your vote and tell the world you think a certain site is great is by linking to it. Social bookmarks let you create links to your favorite sites, save them so you can access your list of favorites from anywhere and share them with others. The bookmarking system then recommends new sites to you based on common interests you may have with other bookmark users.  Search engines see these shared bookmarks quickly. By using social bookmarks as a means to understand the Internet, search engines find sites that people use and like enough to share with their friends. They also discover how people categorize these sites and associate keywords with each.

Bookmarking your content in popular Social Bookmarking sites is a great way of gaining quality backlinks as well as exposing your content to a broader audience.

Competitive & Keyword Based Link building:  
These are really two names for the same type of link building. The challenge is finding links from sites that are not built to list other sites but built to be experts in their field, your field. A link from an industry expert is like a recommendation from an expert. While it’s nice to hear your neighbor say you are a shrewd businessman, to have a local banker or investment counselor say it means a lot more to prospective customers.

Competitive Link Building:  
We find sites that allow user generated content that also happen to be linking to a competitor’s site, and we link to them also.

Keyword Link Building:  
Similar to competitive link building, except we simply scour the web for sites that contain similar keywords to your site and build links there

Blog Postings:  
Due to the recent shift toward social media, search engines are placing more and more importance on the popularity of a business or website based on the size of its social circle. When most of us think of social media, we might think of Facebook or Twitter, but don’t forget the largest, oldest and still most popular form on online social media: blogs. Blogs are one of the most effective and controllable link building actions we have at our disposal. Our team of expert writers creates unique and relevant blog posts that include multiple uses of your keywords.

When search engines see bloggers posting regularly, they know they are hearing the voice of the people; not what a computer program thinks, but what real people think and express online. Blogs are the word on the street in today’s tech-savvy world. If you want to be known, you need to be blogged.

Monday, June 27, 2016

50 Top Secret Marketing Strategies

1. The "Reinvestment" Strategy

The "we always reinvest (no.)% of our profits right back in product development..." strategy tells your prospects that a large amount of income goes back into improving the products for your customers. People will see that part of their purchase will be given back to them in the form of new and better products in the future.

2. The "Two Types Of People" Strategy

The "there are two types of people, one that does anything to improve their life and one that watches others do it and wonders why they can't..." strategy tells your prospects that if they purchase your product, they will be taking a step towards being the first type of person. People will not want to be the second type because most people get jealous when they see others reaching their goals if they're not doing so.

3. The "It's Not Right" Strategy

The "here are (no.) reasons why my product might not be right for you..." strategy tells your prospects the reasons that will make them not want to be the person your product isn't right for. Some reasons could be that they are lazy, close-minded, unintelligent, afraid of success, delusional, etc.

4. The "Weekly Motivation" Strategy

The "bonus: (daily/weekly) motivational quotes..." strategy tells your prospects that if they purchase your product, you will give them free quotes that will motivate them to gain their desired benefit with your product. You could have them sign up to receive them via autoresponder, text message, etc.

5. The "Two Options" Strategy

The "you have two options, option #1 - hire a ($ - expensive) (professional) or option #2 - buy (your product name)($ - low cost)..." strategy tells your prospects that both options will help them gain their desired benefit but your option will be way cheaper. People like to be able to make decisions for themselves and usually make the smart ones.

6. The "Wait Is On" Strategy

The "once our inventory sells out, you'll have wait a longer time for your product..." strategy tells your prospects that you have only produced so many copies of your product and if they wait too long to order, there will be a shipping delay. They will feel the urgency to order if they want to work on getting their desired benefit right away.

7. The "Dime" Strategy

The "every time someone buys (your product name), the price goes up (penny, nickel, dime, quarter, etc.)..." strategy tells your prospects the sooner they order, the cheaper the price will be for them. You won't make much money on the front-end but you can make most of your money with an upsell or one time offer on the backend. You could even give your affiliates 100% commission on the front-end. Another idea would be to have the price go up every hour.

8. The "5 In 1" Strategy

The "it's like getting (no.) tools in 1..." strategy tells your prospects that your product will have multiple uses and benefits. It would save them the money they’d have to spend buying other products they’d need if they didn't have those extra tools or features. You could even make your price seem lower by dividing the number of tools into the price. For example, it's only ($) per tool.

9. The "Only One Authorized" Strategy

The "many people are selling it but I am the only person who is authorized to give you a (no.) discount..." strategy tells your prospects that if they don't buy the reseller or affiliate product from you, they will have to pay more to someone else. You could even offer them some personal bonuses that will make your exclusive offer even juicier.

10. The "VIP Party" Strategy

The "bonus: free access to our VIP customer appreciation party..." strategy tells your prospects that if they purchase your product, they will be given access to a live party you’re having for your customers. You could tell them there will be door prizes, drinks, food, live entertainment and a few speakers at the party.

11. The "First To $1 Race" Strategy

The "the first (no.) people that order will get access for (no.) days for only $1..." strategy tells your prospects that if they act now, they can get a trial or sample of your product for only $1. If they like what you offer, they will pay your full price. You can even tell them you'll refund their $1 if they don't like your product.

12. The "Secret And Private" Strategy

The "I can't reveal their names but some well-known experts have even bought it..." strategy tells your prospects that you have to keep your customers’ names private for privacy reasons but even people that might know more than you have purchased your product. People will like the fact that you will keep your customers’ personal information confidential.

13. The "Refund Countdown" Strategy

The "I've had only (no.) refunds out of (no.) orders..." strategy tells your prospects that most of the people that purchase your product are happy with it. If the refund reasons are directly related to your product’s performance, they’ll tell your customers about it. For example, one guy really liked my product but needed to ask for a refund because of financial hardship that came up.

14. The "Two Sales Letters" Strategy

The "it's so good, we actually have 2 different sales letters for this product - click here to see the other one..." strategy tells your prospects they can have a choice about which sales letter they want to read. One may persuade them to buy more than the other. It's like you’re giving them an option on how they want to be persuaded.

15. The "I Deleted It" Strategy

The "I deleted the sales letter I paid a copywriter ($) to write..." strategy tells your prospects that you wanted to personally present your product to them rather than paying someone to present it. You can remind them you’re not a copywriter so they will let down their buying defense too. You could go on further to say that you wanted to personally tell them a heartwarming story of how you or one of your customers improved their life with your product.

16. The "J.V. Crunch" Strategy

The "we are going to have over (no.) joint venture partners promoting our new product on (date)..." strategy tells your prospects that a lot of people think your product is good enough to promote it to their own prospects or customers. You could even give them a list of names of some of the well-known J.V. partners. People will assume that if all those people like your product, they should try it out as well.

17. The "Inch By Inch" Strategy

The "you will be able to actually see the results in a few (seconds/minutes/hours/days)..." strategy tells your prospects that they will notice your product starting to gain their desired benefit within a certain time frame. You could tell them they will start to see it work little by little, pound by pound, sale by sale, inch by inch, etc.

18. The "Time Frame" Strategy

The "at (time)(date) I bought the product, at (time)(date) I started using it, at (time)(date) I (your product's benefit)..." strategy tells your prospects the actual time frame from the date someone bought your product till the time they benefited from it. People will likely look at their own clock and calculate when they will get their desired benefit if they buy.

19. The "Quick Payback" Strategy

The "only the first (no.) orders will have access to my affiliate program..." strategy tells your prospects if they don't hurry up and order, they will miss out on being able to promote your product for commissions. People will think it's a great way to earn back the money they spent on the product.

20. The "Volume Bonus" Strategy

The "order over (no.) copies and get (bonus or bonus product)..." strategy tells your prospects if they order a certain amount of your product, you will give them a freebie. The bonus could be an extra copy of the product, a discount on their order, free updates for life, an add-on product that will help them store all the products they bought, etc.

21.  The "Remember These Words" Strategy

The "remember these words by (a famous person) (their quote)..." strategy tells your prospects that they should relate the purchase of your product to that famous person’s quote. The quote should convince them to order your product. The person should be someone your target audience would recognize and thinks highly of.

22. The "I'm Buying Advertising" Strategy

The "I just paid a ton of money to have my ad go out to (no.) thousand/million people and I only have (no.) copies available..." strategy tells your prospects they better order right away because there will be a ton of people who will see your ad. You could even show them a screenshot of your receipt for the advertising you purchased.

23. The "Buy To Own" Strategy

The "for every product you purchase from me, I'll put that dollar amount towards the purchase of (your high price product)..." strategy tells your prospects if over time they buy a lot of your products or affiliate products, they will eventually get your high priced product for no cost. You will just have to set up a system to keep track of the purchases and dollar amount each one spends.

24. The "Be Like Your Idol" Strategy

The "benefit like (famous person or expert) did..." strategy tells your prospects they can gain their desired benefit just like a person they look up to did if they purchase your product. Tell them they can reach their goals easier if they model themselves after someone who has already improved their life.

25. The "Want To Be Famous?" Strategy

The "how would you like to become (famous/a recognized authority)..." strategy tells your prospects that if they purchase your product, you will offer a way for them to become well-known. You could allow them to publish articles on your web site, become one of your forum moderators, be interviewed for your next information product, speak at your seminar, etc.

26. The "Blue Underlined Text" Strategy

The "please type your user name and password..." strategy tells your prospects that if they click on underlined text links in your ad copy or the member’s area link on your web site, they have to enter their information to get access. Many people will click on blue underlined text just to see why it's linked or they could get lucky and get free access to your member’s area. Not getting access will tease them and persuade them to buy to see why your product or membership is so protected.

27. The "Question/Answer" Strategy

The "what would you ask these (experts/famous people) if you had the chance?..." strategy tells your prospects that you are going to allow them to ask those experts a question at your live seminar or teleseminar. You could charge for access or give them access for free, then offer them a product at the end of the question/answer period of the event.

28. The "In The Same Light" Strategy

The "he/she is to (subject) what (famous person) is to (subject)..." strategy tells your prospects that you are putting the product owner of the product that you’re promoting in the same light as another well-known expert in another unrelated subject. For example, he is to football what John Doe is to rock music.

29. The "Unlike Others" Strategy

The "unlike (type of product) it won't irritate other people..." strategy tells your prospects that if they use your product it won't make other people mad, sad, frustrated, etc., like similar products. For example, the lawn mower is so quiet you won't wake your neighbors up, even if you decide to mow your lawn at 3 o’clock in the morning.

30. The "Question Letters" Strategy

The "hardly a day goes by that I don’t receive letters asking the same basic question..." strategy tells your prospects that you created a product to help your customers based on the letters you've received. People will see that if they become your customer, you will take their advice or questions seriously to help them succeed.

31. The "Light Package" Strategy

The "see the whole package summary..." strategy tells your prospects that they can see a short version of all the products that you offer in your product package. People will usually skip to it to save themselves some time reading. Just mention one of the most powerful benefits of each product in your summary.

32. The "Checked And Verified" Strategy

The "all this information has been double-checked and verified by (type of experts)..." strategy tells your prospects that the information in your product has been thoroughly researched and other experts have put their stamp on it. People will feel more comfortable knowing that it’s likely there aren’t any errors in the information you sell.

33. The "Buy Or Scratch" Strategy

The "you have two options - buy my product or do it from scratch..." strategy gives your prospects their options for obtaining their desired benefit. You can tell them all the problems they will face if they try to do it themselves from scratch and all the benefits of doing with your product. Most people will pick the easy way out.

34. The "Traveling Sucks" Strategy

The "there is no need for you to make costly travel arrangements..." strategy tells your prospects that they will be able to listen or watch your live event via phone or video feed. You can tell them they don't have to pack their bags, hire a babysitter, buy airline tickets, pay for a hotel, etc. People will like the fact they can enjoy learning how to gain their desired benefit from the comfort of their own home or office.

35. The "Unwanted Product" Strategy

The "buy (an untargeted product) and you'll get (targeted) bonuses..." strategy tells your prospects that you are selling a product or affiliate product that they may not be interested in but you are offering a bunch of bonuses with it that are related to their niche. You can tell them if they don't like or need the main product, they can give it to a friend or family member as a gift.

36. The "O.T.O. Price" Strategy

The "you won't believe the price of the O.T.O. (one time offer)..." strategy tells your prospects to get interested in your O.T.O. offer so they will want to see it. In order to see it, you could have them register or buy a lower priced product first. You could also allow them to earn commissions on your offer by sending people to your web page.

37. The "Side Effects" Strategy

The "proceed at your own risk: you could experience irreversible side effects by reading this..." strategy tells your prospects to read your sales letter because they will be curious about the side effects they may receive. You could even mention some physical side effects they may experience like: chills down their spine, goosebumps, a fever, shaking uncontrollably, etc. Or they could be beneficial side effect like: total freedom, a tidal wave of money, attracting a beautiful woman, etc.

38. The "Injury Risk" Strategy

The "injury risk: you may want to sit down before you read this..." strategy tells your prospects that if they read your sales letter, they could be swept off their feet, fall down or faint. It also tells them you are going to tell them some shocking and mind-boggling information. They will be curious to see how it will affect them reaching their goals.

39. The "Pop Quiz" Strategy

The "quick pop quiz: why do most people fail at (topic)?..." strategy tells your prospects that you want them to answer that question so you can prove a point about your product. Of course you can tell them, “No, it's not too obvious an answer.” Most of your prospects would answer then you just tell them the correct answer. Plus, the pop quiz part will grab their attention because, like in school, it always gets the students’ attention because they are never ready for one.

40. The "Back Door" Strategy

The "discover the back door way to (your product's benefit)..." strategy tells your prospects that your product will allow them to gain their desired benefit with a secret loophole that you found. You can mention you are the only one that knows about it. Usually a "back door way" is a way to do something that is easier, cheaper or faster than normal or usual methods.

41. The "Multiply That Feeling" Strategy

The "have you ever felt really (feeling/emotion)? Well, now you can multiply that feeling by (no.)..." strategy tells your prospects that your product will give them a benefit that will make them feel far better than normal. You could say - Have you ever felt really happy, excited, satisfied, relaxed, etc.

42. The "Technology Class Room" Strategy

The "turn your phone into a (topic) education..." strategy tells your prospects that your information product can turn their technology products into a learning center. For example - Turn your (phone, cell phone, computer, car stereo, DVD player, tape player, CD player, etc.) into a (college, university, school, diploma, degree, education). You just need to convert your information product into a format that will work with one or more of those technologies.

43. The "Aren't Born That Way" Strategy

The "great (type of profession) aren't born, they're taught and trained..." strategy tells your prospects that it’s a myth that they have to be born with certain knowledge or skills to gain their desired benefit. Tell them your product will give them everything they need to reach their goal.

44. The "Novice Advantage" Strategy

The "(types of professionals) don't get it for less than ($), but you will..." strategy tells your prospects they will get a discount on your product because they are your subscriber, are newbies or are on someone else’s list which you made a J.V. deal with. You can tell them they will get a lower price than your other clients like: doctors, investors, lawyers, bankers, etc.

45. The "Demonstration" Strategy

The "check out this online video of me using (your product's name)..." strategy tells your prospects to watch you in action using the product you’re selling to gain the desired benefit they want. They will get a clear image of how much easier and effective it is to own your product.

46. The "Hand Picked J.V. Partner" Strategy

The "I've handpicked you to be one of my joint venture partners..." strategy tells your prospects that you have been watching and studying them and like their professionalism. You can tell them you've bought their products, subscribed to their newsletter(s), read all their content, etc., so you know all about their skills and knowledge of marketing. It will make them feel special that you think highly of them as a marketer and that you have researched them so thoroughly.

47. The "Spend Quality Time" Strategy

The "if you could spend (no.) (hours, days, weeks, months, years, etc.) with (expert's name), how much would you spend?..." strategy tells your prospects that the product will contain so much information condensed into a format they can learn all in a much faster period of time. You could also offer a full length, uncut version that you could charge more for.

48. The "Traffic Discount" Strategy

The "if you are (an action that helps your business) you'll get it for only ($)..." strategy tells your prospects they will get your product for a lower price than everyone else if they help your business in some way. It could be if they are a registered member of your forum, an active affiliate, if they give away your viral freebie, link to your web site, etc. You could even give different prices for different actions or a lower price if they are doing two or more of those actions.

49. The "In A Year’s Time" Strategy

The "if usually it takes you (no.) (minutes/hours) to (an action/benefit), imagine if you do it (no.) times a year, that's (no.) (days) of work..." strategy tells your prospects that you are adding up the time it takes in a year to gain their desired benefit. Tell them your product will eliminate how much time it takes and how much time it will save for enjoyable stuff.

50. The "Reoccurring Cheap Deal" Strategy

The "the (daily/weekly/monthly) deal..." strategy tells your prospects that each day, week, or month you have a special low price deal for one of your products or resell products. This will allow you to create urgency by telling them the product deal will end on a specific period of time and it will be removed, and a new product deal will be added to your next deal. You could even archive past deals they could see but add a slightly higher price. Another idea would to add an affiliate program so people will promote it every time you change your product deal.

Best Home Business Ideas

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1.       Sell A range of products

A friend of mine had a baby and did not like the style / design of all baby products in stores, so started making his own. After getting compliments, he realized he could turn his idea into a business I could run from home (with babies). She has created an online store and sold all of its products through its website. If your own product is created, you can always find a product to decline sending - this way should not store any inventory in your home.

2.       Start carpentry business

Do you like woodworking? Even without a large workshop, you can create some of the most popular crafts and sell. And like most things, success in business is not necessarily related to how you are qualified as a carpenter. So if you can discover what consumers want products and simply create these, you may have a good business plan. and farmers markets are a good place to start selling.

3 3.  Cleaning Out of foreclosed homes

With the existence of so many foreclosed homes there as here, the bankers (now owners) do not want to clean and are willing to pay large sums of money to those who will. So it's pretty easy to start a cleaning business of foreclosure and get paid quite well in the process. If you are interested here it is a course you can take to learn more.

4.       Freelance write

Since I started blogging a few years ago, I saw on the independent market explode. There is a huge demand for content and so there are a lot of ways to make money writing. Jonathan wrote a great article on a legitimate work from home a few jobs - most of them freelance writing.

5.       Goodwill / Garage Sale distributor

There are many items that can be bought very inexpensively at garage sales or thrift stores and sold at higher prices elsewhere. There are a few years, I discovered that you can buy good hardcover books in my local thrift store for $ 1 or less. I realized that some of them could be sold on for $ 15- $ 20, which turns out to be a pretty decent profit. Find and sell enough fun elements and has a home business.

6.       Blogging

I think many people are interested in the idea of blogging as a business. You really can make money blogging, but it is hard work. It is difficult for trenching, but it is difficult because many different sets of skills are required and requires a lot of creativity and mental energy. It is also a kind of another way to get rich quick. 100 $ make my first 6 months of blogging, but now make a living doing it.

7.       Build Internet sites for small businesses

I feel that people ask me to build a network all the time available. If it is a company that wants to start, you can learn to build a website money here.

8.       eBay - the home based business business idea

Just a few years I started a business type of eBay as an experiment, just to see if there was anything I could do if I need cash. I have written step by step instructions on how to start a business on eBay if you are interested. Ebay is a pretty crowded market, but remains one of the businesses based on the most popular home.

Home Inspector

This will require a certification, more information on how to obtain certification here.

10.   Real estate

It is not technically a home business, but with the flexibility to probably be able to do a lot of homework. For more information about getting your real estate license.

11.   TutoringThe students

What are the issues that have a good knowledge of? Mathematics, Science, History, baseball, football? Parents often pay to see Sally Johnnie or Excel in _______. If you can help, it sounds like a business.

12.   Start A Christmaslight hanging business

If not afraid of heights and can stand being in the cold, this is opp a pretty big business. Some people earn the salary of a full year just to hang the lights for 2 months a year. This is a course that offers a little more information.

13.   Car mechanical

Running a mobile oil change business at home
You know how hard it is to find a good mechanic and trustworthy? Maybe just me, but I feel like I have too much experience with mechanics not being honest with me that, fortunately, pay more and give my honest business. If you know your way around a car and some tools, this could be a business idea for you.

14.   Mobile oil change

The construction of the above idea, if you offer a service in which he got home client and oil change on the street? I pay for - and I would be willing to pay more because they have not even do nothing more than make a phone call.

15.   Buy and sell cars for profit

If you love cars and are not afraid to haggle, you can start a business car reversing. We have a family friend who did this for years. He leads the notices, to get a good deal, then drove the car to try to sell it for a couple of thousand. Sometimes it sold quickly, sometimes it takes a little longer, but many cars reached units (size) and also makes a nice extra income. Here's an online course to help you get started.

16.   Wedding planning

This does not mean that the dream of every girl? People still are getting married, so theoretically still need wedding planners. If you like all-things-weddings and can handle the pressure of wives, this could be fun.

17.   Medicalbilling request

This industry is one of the most popular companies working from home. You can find training courses online at sites like

18.   Start Nursery

If you love children and have unique with a lot of patience, you can always start a home day care.

19.   Handy-Man Service

If you are handy, there are a lot of little old ladies who are willing to pay someone to do work around the house. There are even franchise opportunities available with some companies.

20 Car Lawn business opportunity in grass

Do not forget good 'ol or landscaping lawncare. As we become more familiar with the lifestyle of air conditioning, more people will want to pay someone to do landscaping. If you like to sweat may be for you.

20.   Photography

Because I'm just a little bit techie, which makes me video recording weddings all the time. If video or photography are up your alley, from a wedding photography business it might be a good idea for you. If weddings are not your thing, there are other ways to make money as a photographer as well.

21.   Virtual assistant

Virtual assistants are as secretary elsewhere. This industry is growing very rapidly. Look at this to know more about being a virtual assistant. For opportunities, go to this site and search for "virtual assistant".

22.   Window cleaning company

Many companies (and owners) have to clean the windows. If you are not afraid of heights, window cleaning may have a seemingly decent concert or full time.

23.   Link Supply jet cartridge

One of the things that bothers me is having to pay $ 50 each time the printer is out of ink. The truth is that you can fill most printer cartridges quite easily and at a fraction of the cost of cartridges retail. This provides a good business opportunity that can easily make at home. This is a training course online for more information.

25 Candle Making

Just a few years I started making my own beeswax candles - because they were so stinking expensive to buy. In the learning process, I think there are many people who use candle making as a business at home. You can sell your products online at sites like or

26. Massage therapy at home business

"The business of massage therapy has progressed by leaps and bounds in the last decade, tripling its volume. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Outlook Handbook, which is expected to grow by 20% until 2016, which means this business home has a strong growth potential. and from each house massage services are necessarily local in nature, it is a job that can not be entrusted to another country. "

27. Clean commercial offices

Many small businesses need people to clean their offices and this is a business you can start with a very small investment. For more information check out this guide.

28. Professional Pooper spoon/ Professional Pooper Scooper

It may not be the most glamorous job, but in recent years we have seen many companies droppings pop-up dog, there must be some money involved.

29. Senior care

More and older people want to avoid nursing homes rather than stay in their own homes. Offering non-medical home care, help the elderly with everyday tasks can be rewarding and profitable.

30. House cleaning

I met some carved into a cleaning business for home women flexible homes. You probably already have the skills you need, at this time you need to get the word.
31. Teach English (O) in another language Online classes
Did you know that English speakers are in high demand in Asia? As a result, many are turning to freelance English teachers who use sites like The site is essentially a virtual online class for teachers and independent learners. Anyone can offer lessons (and set their own price) and everyone can take classes.

From a quick analysis, it appears that earns $ 15-20 / hour is a fair expectation.
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Thursday, June 23, 2016

What to Do Before Submitting To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills back.

Submitting To Article Directories
With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is why article writing, submissions, and publications are also getting popular.

There are already many tools that people can use to make the process of distributing their articles more easily. Though this is invaluable in getting the contents more exposure, which is only half of the story.

Let us take a look first at the common mistakes that some people make before submitting their contents to article directories:

1. Confusing the reason to promote the articles with the reason to write them.

In article writing, there are three key benefits why you are promoting them; branding, lead generation and promotion, which are all part of your optimization efforts.

But there is only one reason why you write an article, and that is to inform your audience. If the article is not focused on this primary and most important purpose, it will fail to achieve the three promotion benefits because no one will be interested in reading them.

You need to figure out first how to get people to read what is in your article, then make them click on your resource box. You can achieve this by producing better contents.

2. Failing to maximize the promotional opportunities of article marketing.

You may know already that your articles can help you generate additional links back to your site. But do you know that you can get more visitors and better search engine results from that same articles?

Mention keywords at strategic places. Just be sure not to overdo them. Some are even using anchor texts which is also an effective method. But it is important to know that majority of the directories are not able to support this.

Remember that is not only about the links back to your site. Part of doing well in your article marketing is getting picked up by publishers with a large number of audiences and gaining the ability of leveraging other brands because of the quality of your work. Better search engine results also are great benefits.

But these things do not put much money in your pocket. There are other factors that can turn your article marketing efforts into an opportunity that can boost your earnings. Not just increase the number of visitors to your site.

Start out with a plan and see to it that your article will serve the function that you intended it to have.

3. Publishing content that does not help your readers.

Maybe in the process of writing articles, you are thinking that all that is you wanted is links back to your site. And any visitors it can generate are fine.
Guess what? Not all article banks and directories are going to accept your content automatically. Oftentimes, they have some guidelines and specifications on the articles that they are accepting.

You can double the number of sites you can submit to by writing articles that the directories want to share with other people. All it takes is one publisher with a hundred thousand readers to increase your potential audience overnight.

Write the articles that publishers want in their publications if you want your article marketing to work the most effective way for you. This also means you have to obey the standard guidelines, spell checks, researching on a good topic and even hiring a writer to produce a good content on your behalf.

In the end, it is all really a matter of choice on your part. You can start getting a little exposure from increased links back but on a very basic level. Or enjoy massive exposure from a little extra time making quality contents.

It will be your choice. You may not be aware of the fact that an article submitted on directories is not meant to have the same level of exposure as highly-targeted content ones geared on a narrow group of people.

Learn the difference between these two and it will surely help you know what kinds of articles to write and to submit.

Monday, June 13, 2016

The Royal Flush of Interactive Marketing - Blogging

 What is Blogging in a Nutshell?

Blogging is the activity of creating short articles known as blogs. A blog is an abbreviated version of a weblog, which is used to describe sites that contain an ongoing chronicle of information. A blog features diary-type commentaries and links to articles on other website or locations within that website. Blogs are used in many areas of life, professions and vocations. They are best described as interactive articles laid out in chronological order that can be shared on an endless stream of other social media platforms.
search engine optimization

Is There A Particular Structure To Blogging?

Yes! Blogs are usually structured with a main content area placed on the left hand side of the page with articles listed in chronological order with the newest posts on top, usually on the right hand side. Oftentimes posts are organized into categories to make it easier for readers to select the areas they wish to engage in. An archive of older articles are normally located under the newest posts and maybe labeled under a separate heading or date.

Blogs allow for people to leave comments about the written content. Comment boxes are usually placed directly underneath the blog posts. These comments may sometimes require the approval of the blog owner to ensure no inappropriate language or messages are placed. Social media sharing widgets are also very common at the foot of blog posts. These are icons that readers can click to share the content with their friends or network at the click of a mouse.

There are many widgets that the popular blog sites such as WordPress and Blogger allow in their pages. Bloggers can show photographic galleries of their favorite images, videos and popular blog posts. Blogs can also have RSS feed functionality which allow readers to opt-in the bloggers page and receive future updates and blog posts anytime they are published on the site. This enables bloggers to bring their fresh and exciting content directly to the reader instead of the reader having to come to them.

What Can 'Blogging' Do For My Business?

If you've been online for some time you have probably already heard that blogging is great for business. Why is it then that so many shy away from it? It's true that setting up a truly attractive blog and content mapping will take some planning but once it's set up the hardest part is completed. Blogging will tell your potential clients/customers many things about your site, it's content and any new updates you may want to share with them. You essentially have free reign to write about anything you want about your product or service, with one goal in mind - to win over customers! This is an important aspect of viral marketing and that is where blogging can work well for people. Blogging is powerful because it allows you to be YOU! You can showcase your business and how you interpret your business in ways that will magnetically attract people to your blog. The magical element of blogging is that once you strike that personable tone you will develop followers and this will lead to increased business.

Do's and Don’ts When Blogging!

Blogging in short has often been equated to a diary of your business that is able to be viewed by the public. There are some tips however you need to be mindful of when constructing a blog in order to get that 'personable' edge to develop followers and business associates.

Have Some Fun But Don’t Forget To Be Factual

Writing blogs doesn't have to be a formal affair. It can be very creative and fun to do. By all means pay attention to your grammatical and cohesive nature throughout your posts but there is no need to get heavy and too 'full on'. A relaxed tone and information ready style is very fitting. Remember you can write about anything you want and you want to bring 'You' across to your potential customers and readers. Writing in this manner will make you more approachable and easier to develop a relationship with.

Make Your Information Sought After & Reliable

Like any writing, words that have no action behind them are empty. Your role as a blogger is not to only provide information but to provide value and weight behind every paragraph. Establishing your credibility online is easy if you stand solid on what you are saying and show that you can deliver. If you say you are going to provide such and such on a certain date, do it! If you are stating you will offer free memberships, do it! The more meaningful blogging you do the more credible you will come across. If your products and services perform to the standard that you are saying, you will have entered into a new state of reliability and success in your business. People will see it and be attracted to it.

Make Your Blogs Rich in SEO Keywords

Learning the skill of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a goldmine to any blogger. You can write in ways that can get your blog or site highly ranked on the search engines if you include the right content and trigger 'keywords.' The more blogs you write doing this, the more popular your blog will become and will generate extra traffic. Blogging can be fun indeed but even more fun if your content is SEO friendly.

Regular Exciting Communication Keeps Customers

Effective communication is the key to any successful business venture. Non-effective communication is often said in the industry as being so important that it can shut down companies in twelve months or less. Ensure that your message is simple, direct and with a purpose. When you are writing blogs make them easy to understand. There is nothing worse than getting mixed messages or information that becomes lost in translation. Before writing any blog, establish your objective! What are you aiming to achieve? Then do it in the most simple and effective way that you can. Let your writing be conducive to your business and not a hindrance.

Never Underestimate the Power of Images

If you look through a host of blogs that are on the Internet you will see that the most popular blogs use images to add that extra bit of 'oomph' and 'edge' to their look. It can also add power to the message of the post. Let's say you are writing about a new floor cleaning product. You aren't just going to write about it and then leave the reader to use their imagination as to how the solution or finished product would be. You can eliminate this hard work by placing a powerful image of a spotlessly clean floor on the top right or left hand corner of your blog post. As your readers sift through your text they will keep that positive product image in their minds and will be able to get the full power and descriptive nature of your writing.

Blogging can be fun and very beneficial to your business. There are some companies out there that use blogging because they have to as part of being in business. A good blogging presence can do wonders for your business and can leave a mark on the search engines for many years to come.